1 week = 11 weddings = 11,000+ photos y'all! The best part? Working on my own schedule and family time. Getting to go to the zoo with munchkin #2 while munchkin #1 is with his peers learning in zoo class. Keeping up with my Beachbody programs (thanks to the wonderful accountability groups from my coach Courtney at Triceps and Tutus). Going to my son's soccer game and karate class. Teaching xylophone and recorder class while my kiddos attend classes at their school. How am I doing this?? Photographers are putting their trust in me to help them edit their photos, which in turn let's me work at home and be with my family. It's a dream job y'all and I have wonderful clients! ❤❤
Photo credit of me goes to my 3 yr. old. 😂
Photo credit of me goes to my 3 yr. old. 😂
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