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Showing posts from January, 2019

Thursday Thoughts

 THURSDAY THOUGHTS. Sometimes life can be hard. Most of the time those hard experiences can mold us for the better. So hang in there if you are going through a tough day, week, month, or season! It more than likely is leading you towards something beautiful just waiting around the corner! ❤ . . #kjlightingcourse #kjbusinessjourney #kjconsistencycourse #kjposingcourse #kjeducation #presetslightroom #privatephotoeditor #privatephotoediting #girlbossparty / #savvybusinessowner / #communityovercompetition / #dontquityourdaydream #entrepreneurlifestyle / #theeverydayproject / #creativepreneur #lightroommobile #lightroompresets #mobilepresets

Tuesday Happenings!

TUESDAY. Happy Tuesday y'all! We made it past Monday and today I'm attempting to catch up on LAUNDRY, editing for a photographer, putting my next freebie into pdf format (how to make your social media feed high end), saving my presets into desktop & mobile versions(I edited this photo with one of my presets--coming in two weeks🎉), and planning out my social media feed with Canva & Planoly. Phew!! 🙃 As a mommy of two boys and wife to my hubby, we fill baskets consistently. Which means I'm doing laundry every other day. Any one else struggle to get your hanging clothes BACK into your closet instead of hanging in the laundry room?  No, just me? 🤷‍♀️😬  Comment below ⬇️ what you're up to today! #tuesdayhappenings #momlife #presets #edithacks #mobile #beltontxphotographer #laundryday #photographytips #mobilepresets #manualmode #takingpictures #introtophotography #shootinginmanual #gettingoutofauto #edithacks #mobilephotos #lightroomhacks ...

Friday Free Part 2 Is Here!!

FRIDAY FREEBIES. / Y'all! What an amazing response to my first freebie. Part 2 is finished and it's available right now!!  How to take better photos with your camera or phone. 🎉🎉 Click on my website,  Then click shop to get to the link to it. Be sure to use the promo code: FREE4ME2 for Part 2 to get this free!! Part 1 is still available and I gave you tips on how to turn off auto settings, finding the light, working with harsh light, and avoiding distractions in your background when taking pictures with your camera or mobile phone. 😊 Part 2 is all about composition of your photo, rule of thirds, and how to create layers in your photos. It's awesome!! These are the perfect starter freebies for my mobile and desktop presets coming in the next two weeks! 💖 Grab it while it lasts! ❤ ⬇️ Comment below if you claimed your free tips! ✅ . . . #photographytips #mobilepresets #manualmode #takingpictures #introtophotography #sh...

Friday Freebie is Here!!

You asked for them and now it's here y'all!! I've gotten so many people interested and downloading these tips that I taught to students last year!  Go to: and enter the promo code FREE4ME to get Part 1 FREE of tips on how to take better photos with your mobile phone or camera! 🎉🎉

Friday Freebies- Pt. 1- How to Take Better Photos with Your Camera or Phone

FRIDAY FREEBIES. / You guys! I have my first freebie on my website- How to take better photos with your camera or phone. 🎉🎉 I worked so hard on it! Go to Be sure to use the promo code: FREE4ME to get this free!! . . . I give you tips on how to turn off auto settings, finding the light, working with harsh light, and avoiding distractions in your background when taking pictures with your camera or mobile phone. 😊 This is the perfect starter freebie for my mobile and desktop presets coming soon. 💖 Grab it while it's free! :-) #photographytips #mobilepresets #manualmode #takingpictures #introtophotography #shootinginmanual #gettingoutofauto #edithacks #mobilephotos #lightroomhacks #privatephotoeditor #edithacks #mobilepresets #phoneedits #intentionalliving #lightroom #youmaysayimadreamer

You May Say I'm a Dreamer

Today I'm finishing up working on a little inspiration of my own! Part 1 of Tips for taking better photos (with your camera or mobile phone). I can't wait to share this freebie tomorrow! 🙂 Stay tuned! *I want to hear from you* Comment below : ⬇️⬇️⬇️ What do you enjoy taking pictures of for fun? My favorite is taking detail shots and pictures of people together; like rings, flowers, engagement photos, or weddings! 😊 I absolutely LOVE editing weddings for my photographers!  This photo was edited with one of my mobile presets (also available for desktop) coming soon: JP Creative Light & Airy.  . . . . #takingpictures #introtophotography #shootinginmanual #gettingoutofauto #edithacks #mobilephotos #lightroomhacks #privatephotoeditor #edithacks #mobilepresets #phoneedits #intentionalliving #lightroom #youmaysayimadreamer

Goodbye Monday!!

GOODBYE MONDAY // Life is short. Eat the cake! 😁 I had an awesome birthday this weekend, y'all. Meals and a massage is all that it takes for this mama. I cooked maybe once. 🙊 I don't know whether to be happy about that or embarassed to share that! To all the super creatives or people out there who got through Monday, eat some cake for my birthday! 🎉💕 If you have some cake this week, tag me! 🤣 Doesn't matter what kind it is. Let's realize that Mondays can be super hard and you're not the only one. Today I struggled with BALANCE. I got so much done today- emails, laundry, editing, workout, keeping my children alive and fed-- you know the basics. 😂 Don't even ask how LAST Monday went. I felt like I got nothing done last Monday. And that's real life. 🤦‍♀️ But my balance could have been WAY better today even though I felt slightly more productive.. I need some more one on one time with my kiddos & the hubby. Working on that!!! I edited this photo wit...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year y'all! We started off the year right with little #2 getting himself all sharpie-ed up to get a "hairy mustache". He went all in, nails, arms, face. You know, he got all in mentality from me, his mama. 🤣 I am SO excited to share with y'all soon something I've been working on that will help you edit your mobile photos or desktop photos as easy as a click of a button or tap. 🎉🎉 This is for regular people who want edit their mobile photos, moms, photographers, instagrammers, bloggers, anyone who takes photos. This mobile photo of my "hairy" little guy was edited with my preset light and airy. Like or comment below if you want to see more edits! Below is a before and after! #mobile #lightroomhacks #mobilepresets #entrepreneurlifestyle #photographer #instagrammer #momtographer #editlikeapro #presets #2019 #privatephotoeditor