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Showing posts from October, 2018

It's Busy Season, Y'all!

What my desktop dropbox notifications look like right now. 😳 It's busy season y'all! 😀😂 . . . #kjlightingcourse #kjposingcourse #kjconsistencycourse #kjeverything 😂 #boutiquephotoeditor #privatephotoeditor #outsourceeditor #outsourcing #privatephotoediting #myfamilyofphotographers #lovethelight #glowygoodness #mastinskintones #reallife #mommingandworking #momlife #bemommyfirst #lifeofamom

Busy Season & Colds

What do you do when it's in the middle of busy season and your two kiddos are coming down with the cold/flu? Edit with one hand and enjoy the extra snuggles, being thankful for another day with your kiddos. . . #kjlightingcourse #kjposingcourse #kjeverything 😂 #boutiquephotoeditor #privatephotoeditor #outsourceeditor #outsourcing #privatephotoediting #myfamilyofphotographers #lovethelight #glowygoodness #mastinskintones #reallife #mommingandworking #momlife #bemommyfirst #lifeofamom